
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here we go.....

This is me, blogging on my very last day of full time work. I've shed a lot of tears....I truly had no idea that people thought so highly of me....every time I turn around, someone else is stopping by, giving me a hug....it makes me really sad that it took me leaving to make me see that....

It's very very weird. But it's been a very weird two months. I've never been laid off before, and while I keep trying to look on the positive side, sometimes the bitterness still comes through....

And then there's my interview tomorrow. I found out that if I were lucky enough to be offered the position, as far as my company is concerned, they wouldn't even count the break in service....so that's very good. I found an outfit at the thrift store today, I think it'll do, although I didn't look at it and go "Yeah, that's THE outfit!" But at least it's professional and it fits me and covers everything it's supposed to :-) In a short while I'm going to go and review possible questions that I might be asked, and write down a few "stories" that I can use to illustrate my points. Only my friend Anita (and you all) know(s) that I am going to this interview. I didn't want to jinx myself by telling anyone else. Plus, if I don't get the job, I don't want to have to explain that to anyone if I don't have to....

I'm kind of worried about my winter coat (isn't that silly?). I have a very "outdoorsy", casual winter coat--it's kind of masculine, but in a feminine kind of way, like a ladies' flannel shirt. It's definitely not professional, and I don't have a "professional" winter coat, because I've never had to dress in suits for my corporate job--it was at night, so nobody cared what the night shift wore....but now I'm faced with a dilemma. How to handle the unprofessional coat. Wear it and take it off as soon as I walk in the door and hope nobody realizes that it's unprofessional? (that's what I'm leaning towards) Or leave it in the car completely and risk looking silly because I came in 10* weather without a coat? I can't afford to go out and buy one. So I'm fretting about the coat. For Pete's sake, Carol!

Well, I'm scheduled to work at my part time job on Friday at 5pm, but I probably won't be able to update all of you about the interview until Saturday. I'm scared. But I am so glad to have all the words of wisdom from all of you....you are giving me more confidence than I would have otherwise...cross your fingers for me!


Lisa said...

Don't worry about the coat. You're going to do great!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Go to the store and buy a 'professional' coat, wear it to the interview and then return it...you can do the same thing with an interview outfit, just wear it once and return it. (Doesn't work with shoes though...)

Good luck!


Reighnie said...

You're going to do great Carol. Just remember to relax and not over think it too much. (I know easier said then done.)

As far as the coat, I've been in the same predicament myself. Not as cold though...I checked to see how far the door was from the parking lot. If it wasn't too far and I was only going to be in the cold for a few minutes each way, I left it in the car.

The other thing, if you check in with a receptionist you could ask if you could put it down or if she could hold on to it while you were in the interview.

Just some thoughts.

Lastly, tomorrow is my birthday and I have been asking God since I saw the date of your layoff, if maybe as a little birthday present (if He were so inclined to give me one this year since I've been such a lil shit and all) he would help you out a little over there with a job and stuff. ;-)

Keeping my fingers crossed and I will be on pins and needles until we hear.

perphila said...

If anything you will look smart to not want to freeze to death, or get sick. :)

I am praying for you. Good luck!

same said...

Good Luck and don't forget to smile:)

rockygrace said...

Fingers crossed!

Miz Kizzle said...

I hope you get the job.
As for the coat, wear it and take it off as soon as you get inside. I'm assuming it has a lining, so fold it so the lining faces outward and the bold flannel design is hidden. Or, if there is a coat closet, hang it in there.