
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cats and craziness (or...I'm scared still/again)

Last night I got to stay with my mom in her apartment. And I dared to get hopeful. Nothing she said was weird, she didn't come out into the living room to find the bathroom, and she fell back asleep after the aide came in to remind her to go to the bathroom....I started thinking "maybe the antibiotics are helping!" HaHa. I know better than that, don't I....really.....?

Remember from Nov. 7, the post about my mom's cat's girlfriend? (Just in case you don't, you might want to click and read up on her).....

Anyhow, DH went to stay with her tonite (I'm working, as usual), and she was angry with someone. He asked her who she was talking to, and she said, "Thor's girlfriend. I want her to leave. She did a shameful thing and went and got pregnant. I don't want her here any more." "But I told her to leave and she won't go."

So DH (bless his heart) told her that he thought the girlfriend had already left, because he thought he heard Thor tell her to "get out, he didn't want her around any more." So my mom had him check the apartment to "make sure she was really gone" (and of course she was)....and then she went to bed. At that point, DH called to update me.

About 10 minutes later, he called me at work, in a whisper and asked me to call the "helpers" (aides) on their cell phone and have them go to the apartment because my mom needed "an anxiety pill or something, right away". So I called, the aide said she was on her way, and I haven't heard anything since.

I'm scared again. Freaky crazy scared. I don't know if I should head home, or if it's under control. It's 2 hours to get home. So do I take 6 hours of vacation for this? Or save it in case I need it for something even more alarming/serious? I don't know.....I just hate it. Tonite I was fantasizing about my mom being in a nursing home, because I/we could get some semblance of a family life back....and then I felt instant guilt, because I still feel that this is not a "natural progression"....

And....to top it off, "That Guy" has been making very brief appearances. I'm sure at least part of that is due to the crazy sleep schedule he's now on, from staying with my mom....but I can't, I just can't have him get unstable too.....he swears he's been taking his meds...all I can think of is this crazy schedule is wearing on him.....I didn't call the doctor yesterday because I was thinking things might be improving....then tonite I asked DH if he thought I should call the doctor, and DH said we could make it until Thursday....I don't know.....I wish I knew what was going on....I'll give you an update as soon as I know....

P.S. To those of you who have been following this blog because it is a blog about bipolar, I apologize--it seems that right now it is more a blog about my mom's dementia, and I know some people aren't probably very interested in that. I'm glad that DH is stable enough where the dementia is first/foremost in my thoughts....and I hope things stabilize soon....


Anonymous said...

Carol, I feel so ashamed. I just came out of my bathroom after checking on a leak around the ceiling vent (we are getting a lot of rain right now), and my dh went off to work worried about it. Then I pulled up your blog, and read what you have been going though, and I can't help but ask the Lord to forgive me for fretting over such an insignificant thing when there are folks like you going through such h***. Oh honey, I wish I could help you some way. My heart feels like it is breaking when I read of your troubles with your mom, and dh and dd. I don't have finances to help you, but I will be praying for you, and I'll ask Father to send you His peace to help you through your trials. I'm so sorry you have to bear these things!

Veronica Lee said...

I'm really sorry about the things that are going on in your life.
I will keep you in my daily prayers.

Here's a big hug for you.

Elizabeth A. said...

I'm sorry about That Guy, but I'm pulling That Girl right now. We had to get our house sold and we had to get moved and all of this had to be done so for three months, it got done. That Girl was hardly around. We're moved now, we're mostly unpacked, but I'm not leaving the house much either and I've been watching a lot of Law and Order. A Lot.

Maybe he'll hang in there until things get better with your mom. That's what I always tend to do.

perphila said...

Overall DH has been pretty stable. It's kinda expected that you are going to see that guy from time to time. You are smart to see that his sleep could be affecting him. Keep talking with DH and ask him if he is ok like you have been. Don't look for problems that haven't happened yet.

Don't worry about writing about your mom. The bipolar stuff is still here. Reading about how DH is handling this crisis and how you still worry for him even with his current stability is also a good side to see. It's all ups and downs. Seeing the big picture of stable as well as unstable is what makes it real.